Quran Audio Translation in Romanian Language
One of the projects that GRA is most proud of is our Romanian Audio Quran project where we produce an audio translation of the Quran in Romanian. This was the first and only project of its kind and has been in development over 3 years. The project is still continuing and we hope to complete the entire Quran soon and distribute it throughout the country. Support us now and earn this amazing opportunity to make this reach millions of Romanians inshaAllah.
Humanitarian Relief for Romania Muslims
Sponsor a Translation of the Quran to a New Romanian Muslim
For just $3, we can send a Romanian translation of the Quran to a new Romanian Muslims in Romania and for $16, we can send one to a Romania living in Europe. Many Romanians are curious about the Quran but do not have access to a Romanian translation the Quran. This is an amazing opportunity to give somebody the Words of Allah and help guide them closer to Islam. Donate now for this amazing opportunity.